Still Lifes
Although working from imagination is a goal of mine once again, painting from life via still lifes is a great way to grow as an artist. Usually, I determine how long I will work on a still life before I start. Some, of course, I set up are demanding, and taking more time, but that can have pitfalls, such as lighting not remaining constant or use of any perishables. To set our goals according to time limits to see what one can push in that time help the learning process. It is no different as when you have time limits paying for a live model. One has to make the best decisions based on time restraints as to what one desires to accomplish in that painting.
With that said, these still lifes took anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Some are north light, a cooler light, and others are a hot light bulbs for more contrast. The light source helps create the mood and set the tone.
With that said, these still lifes took anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Some are north light, a cooler light, and others are a hot light bulbs for more contrast. The light source helps create the mood and set the tone.